Thursday, December 27, 2012

365 days...

Who are you?

A simple three-word question.

How would you answer this question? By telling someone your name? Your occupation? Your ancestry?  Or maybe your lifestyle? Do you rely on your title to define who you are, or do your actions portray your dynamic?

Who am I?

A simple three-word question that I ask myself.  I am many things I suppose; I am a daughter, a mother, a wife, a friend.

Regardless of what people classify me as,  I am just me. A 30-something woman who allows others to define who she is. I am like a melting pot of others' opinions and actions; some good, some bad. Over the past 35 years, many people have come in and out of my life. With every entrance into my life, many people have touched my life in such a manner that I changed because of them. Not always a good change, but a change. Whether it be the person who showed me what forgiveness was, or the person who showed me never to put your heart out there because they won't appreciate it like you want them to.

For the next 365 days, I am going to write about the people who have left an imprint on my character. These passages will be an honest portrayal of who I am and why I am the way that I am. I will admit, I am a bit intimidated by this venture that I am about to pursue. By writing this, I may discover some things about myself that I never thought of before. I may see myself in a different light. Who knows, maybe after writing this, I may end up owing some people some long, overdue apologies.

 I am very honest when I tell a story. Sometimes a bit too honest, but sometimes some people need to read the truth. Due to my honesty, names will not be listed, unless I have full permission to use it.

So here it is, my resolution. Starting January 1st, I will open my life to my readers.

Wish me luck!

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